Author - Alaa el Nawawy

Inflated or What !!

Since Facebook went on an bought Whats App for $19bn , i have been wanting to write on how such actions are over inflating the IT market and might be a cause for future disasters. What brought this back to my head was recent announcement by Apple that it has purchased Beats for $3bn !!

So figure this out , Beats a company with a product , sales and profits is worth $3bn , while a company that does not make any profits , no sales is worth $19bn !!

This just made me realise how important we “The users” of apps such as Whats app , are becoming and having access to us and having access to our contacts, picture etc , is becoming invaluable that companies are ready to pay a high premium to get to us. I think i read some where in an article where someone has done the math Facebook paid $42/user !!

Although months have passed and we are yet to see how Facebook is going to leverage the power within its hands and how it is going to tap to the 400Million+ users on Whats app to turn this into a revenue generating machine,that is going to be certainly a scene worth waiting for .

Cloud “In a box”

The push for the cloud continues to be on the highest priority for all vendors that are focusing on enabling customers to the cloud. Yet all the big sharks in the market are after the big bites be that banks, telcos and large enterprises . SME markets seem to be seen as only target consumers of cloud services that those big bites are going to offer.

While eventually the biggest cloud market will remain in those sectors , but yet I think that there is an untapped sector which is an IT SME providing cloud services to the SME market.

Hence comes the idea of making a “cloud in a box” . IT vendors should start looking at enabling small startups kick start their clouds , by creating a product that has everything in a plug and play mode , meaning the server,storage,connectivity and most importantly the application . That application can be a CRM , ERP or any kind of application that SME’s would want to buy . The problem with the current market scene , is that large enterprises are thinking too big on how they want to launch these services, and the cost of integrating those applications with infrastructure etc, is costing a fortune and taking too much time, and also preventing small companies from starting up their own cloud service provider companies.

Giving those small companies, specially in undeveloped markets a ready made cloud in a single box, means they can start selling software as service immediately.

Strongly believe this can create a new market area that remains untapped.

P.S: have heard that CSC have started doing this already , but yet to read more about it.

Cloud Computing….what’s the end game ??

No doubt the next 4 to 5 years will witness a huge change in the IT scene , with cloud computing being pushed by practically everybody who is anybody ( even those who didn’t think so !!) the scene is set for major shuffle .

Looking at how IT companies are shaping themselves in the current time either through product restructuring, acquisitions or even mergers, I tend to see the whole scene going into a 3 tiered one , in which all those companies will blend into one of those tiers . Here is how I think it will look like :


 Here is my take on the roles of each tier in this cloud computing era.

 Tier 1: Those are the companies that will be making the most of this era , they will be the face to majority of the customers specially they SME and mid-market business . Companies  in this tier are , Amazon and many others that are in the making or will boom in the next couple of years. This tier will be probably the tier making the most profits .

Tier 2: The management layer is currently picking up rapidly in the market these are companies that will be in charge of hosting, managing and operating the data centre infrastructure either for the Tier 1 companies or for Enterprise customers that will have to maintain private clouds , samples of those companies are Rack Space , Accenture , HCL ,Wipro and many others .

Tier 3 : The supplier layer is where the big “War” is going to happen in the coming years, companies will seek to broaden their product range to provide all what data centers are going to need . Tier 2 companies are the customers for the Tier 3 , in addition to some enterprise customers which are too big to be managed and are on the manage it yourself mode. This is the area where we see the unthinkable happen from my perspective. Even these days we have started hearing some of this “War” happen , rumors Juniper going on sale and EMC being a potential buyer , I would go even further and say that we might see bigger mergers happening ,how about an HP –Cisco Merge ?? or an IBM acquisition of Netapp?? I think this tier will not have room for plenty of players I would say 4 to 5 major players and the rest will get crushed by time.

Surrounding all this will be the service layer of companies , which are basically 2 groups of companies :

Group 1 : Software houses , whether they are giants like SAP , Microsoft or Oracle , or even small unknown ones, they will be more or less neutral to what is happening (although we have Microsoft poking its nose into virtualization with Hyper V) but I tend to think that Microsoft will spin off this Hyper-V business at some point.  This groups of companies will buy services/product from all 3 Tiers , and will sell services to all 3 as well .

Group 2 : Consumer hardware companies , those are the likes of Lenovo , the Dell and HP side of consumer electronics , which will remain a must have for the years and years to come even those divisions are not exactly well performing in the current time. One major game changer in this sector is if Apple decides to pull the trigger at some point and launch a business line targeting enterprises and that will be a totally different story.

 While I do not want to be seen as if I am doing some crystal ball future telling , it is just my take on how things look to be evolving . The trick about all this is that you get the buzz these days ,But it seems like nobody is willing to take the first move , I think its going to be a snowball effect from there. So who will be first to unleash the race to the final and toughest stretch of the journey to the cloud !!


Education via ” The Cloud “

The part of the developed world where I come from unfortunately is sitting on top of one of the crappiest education systems of the world, no words can describe how we desperately need revamping of that whole system.

Yet the lack of funds , and honestly a clear vision is a major block on the road . Solving this obstacle needs thinking out of the box on solutions that would help tackle both.

I constantly think about this , and cloud computing just jumped there to my head , and hey why not!! Idea is simple yet looks effective to me so here goes. We need to move in a couple of different directions :

1. Core of the cloud :

First we need to revisit the entire curriculum , making it more dynamic and presentable using all the new tools of presenting to students, the upside of this is that you will not need to produce this media in mass numbers all you need is one version and up to goes to the cloud. The media needs to be in different mediums, from writing, to interactive videos,audio lessons etc. now the trick with this is that it will be created centrally by professionals and will accessible to the entire population of the country so we are sure all get the same.

Second, the government needs to centrally buy rights to redistribute articles, books in the form of research material available for students to further look up information so they can prepare and write their assignments.

Third, is the grading system which allows for each student to have their own online profile , to transparently monitor their progress , watch their assignment list .

2. How will it work :

To understand how it will work you need to first understand where the main defects of the education system are :
– poor and old fashioned ciriculum ( we tackled this with building the core cloud)
– under staffed and untrained education providers
– poor paid staff
– over crowded class rooms
– private tuition replaces all classes at almost all levels of school education
– corrupt monitoring and control system (almost zero control)

There are several steps that need to be taken to tackle some of the above points at once . First,setting up a central core team of tutors to be tasked with grading assignments in a transparent way with no access to see student names, this way no corruption in the grading system , no value of taking a private lesson with the class teacher she/he has no influence on the grading.

This way we have added a lot of transparency into the system, it will enable adding more weight on the work and all year assignments rather than a single end of year exam, and in a system that will be trustable to parents.

Exercising a large pool of teacher resources available online to interact with students, answer questions, leveraging the availability of those resources everywhere around he country, and paying the tutors on an hourly scheme will help quell the low income issue.

With school classes now focusing on core curriculum , schooling hours can be extended to longer days , shorter classes with less number of people, as we are sure students are engaged even while at home with their assignments or else they will not pass .

Now the final part , comes the hardware needed by students in a country where 40% are living under the poverty line do not expect parents to take this cost , but with little investment into locally manufacturing net books,low cost tablets ( will blog later about an Indian vendor that produced a low cost version for students) the solution should not be impossible.

As the world discovers more and more the applications that could leverage cloud computing, lets hope those ideas can benefit this part of the world at some point.



I just realized how the Arabic language is falling behind in the technology world, with all the new terms like cloud computing and all this new stuff , that I can’t even think as a native arab speaker what would they be called in Arabic.

But the thing that recently made me stop and think about this is Apple’s new “Siri ” you can speak to the thing in all European languages and that’s normal at least you can argue they use the same alphabet, but Chinese & Korean and you can not do Arabic !!! Come on Apple you can do better than that. If you give this a more deeper look you won’t be surprised by Apple’s behavior they have been constantly ignoring Arabic since the start, from lack of support to ePub formats in Arabic on iBooks to Siri now…nothing has changed about Apple.

Is this part of the world where we live in where more than 300 million people speak the same language no longer care about their mother tongue ?? Is it companies like Apple who don’t care or is it us who don’t ??

Needless to say that Arabic is left out of the whole storage platforms, I can’t even imagine translating “storage pool” or “LUN” to Arabic !! I do not know of any storage provider that has it’s GUI’s in Arabic nor I think they even considered it. Having met a lot of customers in this region I think it would be great added value if a storage company can do this.